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Information requests
Subject Access Request
Find out about how to request a copy of your medical records.
You can contact the Subject Access Team via:
Subject Access and Data Protection Act Administrator
Wye Valley NHS Trust
Monkmoor Court
31-34 Commercial Road
Hereford HR1 2BG
Tel: 01432 262064/ 262065
The UK General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the Data Protect Act 2018 requires organisations that handle personal information to comply with a number of important principles. It also gives individuals rights over their personal information.
For more information on how the Wye Valley Trust processes your data, please see our privacy notice here.
Your information and how we keep it confidential
We ask you for information about yourself so that you can receive proper care and treatment. It is very important that the information you give us is accurate and up to date. We keep this information safely, together with details of your care. Everyone working for the NHS has a legal duty to keep information about you confidential. Read more about patient information.
Freedom of Information (FOI)
To make a request about any other information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please check first the information you are seeking is not already available by checking on this FOI page. You can submit a new FOI request online or contact:
The Freedom of Information Officer
Wye Valley NHS Trust
Monkmoor Court
31-34 Commercial Road
Hereford HR1 2BG
Tel: 01432 262064/ 262065
When we receive your Freedom of Information request you will receive confirmation of receipt of your enquiry. The Trust has 20 working days in which to respond. In certain circumstances, where a qualified exemption applies, we may need to extend this time period, in line within the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. If this applies to your request we will keep you informed of its progress.