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Wye Valley NHS Trust

Freedom of Information Requests

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83 records found.

FOI Reference Subject Requestor Details Response Date Release Type
FOI2024/024 Corporate shared service data for finance, payroll, HR, and procurement as submitted in the 22/23 NHS England Model Hospital Member of Public 10/05/2024 Total Release
FOI2024/097 Digital dictation Private company 21/05/2024 Total Release
FOI2024/281 Digital Healthcare Initiatives Whatdotheyknow 16/09/2024 Total Release
FOI2024/007 Duchenne muscular dystrophy Pressure or Interest group 10/05/2024 Total Release
FOI2024/039 Energy Management Private company 10/05/2024 Total Release
FOI2024/064 Energy Meters (Ref: 224) Student or Research Fellow 10/05/2024 Total Release
FOI2024/225 EPR spend Private company 16/09/2024 Total Release
FOI2024/069 Estates and Facilities Sector Private company 10/05/2024 Partial Release
FOI2024/117 External contractors for nurses Private company 01/07/2024 Total Release
FOI2024/123 Flow of Information Private company 01/07/2024 Total Release

© Wye valley NHS Trust 2024