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Wye Valley NHS Trust

Group A Strep (GAS)

Whilst Strep A infections are usually mild, they can on rare occasions lead to a more serious infection called Invasive Group A Strep (iGAS).

Parents should trust their judgement when their child is poorly. If they believe that their child has scarlet fever or seems seriously unwell, please contact NHS 111 or their GP.

Parents and carers who are unsure where best to access help and treatment are encouraged to contact NHS111 by calling 111, or if their child is over the age of 5 using the online service via

Parents should call 999 or go to A&E if their child is having difficulty breathing – making grunting noises or their tummy is sucking under their ribs, their child’s skin, tongue or lips are blue or their child is floppy and will not wake up or stay awake.

For more information visit Strep A - NHS ( including:

You can also visit the UK Health Protection Agency webpage which contains more information about Group A Strep. Follow this link to visit the site.

Strep A rash on darker skinned children

A widespread rash often appears as well, and is often described as bright red (“scarlet”), which may not be a helpful descriptor among darker skinned children.⁣ On dark skin the rash is more easily seen and felt by texture, and can be characterized as “goose skin” or “sand paper” like.  
SCARLET FEVER – Brown Skin Matters


Parents can access a wide range of free advice and information if their child becomes unwell this winter

With common winter illnesses on the rise among young people, Herefordshire’s health and care organisations are encouraging parents to familiarise themselves with the local healthcare options available before they need them.

Knowing where it is best to go when your child is unwell helps ensure you get help quicker and keeps services available to those who need them most.  Find out more.

© Wye valley NHS Trust 2025