Visiting arrangements

More information is available on the visiting page

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Wye Valley NHS Trust

Visitors Preventing Infection

Visitors can help our fight against infection

We know that hand washing and cleaning is the single most important measure we can all take to prevent the spread of infection in hospitals.

Visitors to Wye Valley NHS Trust can also help the fight against infection by using the alcohol hand gel before entering and leaving ward and department areas. These are available from wall-mounted dispensers at the entrance to all clinical areas. Always wash your hands with soap and dry thoroughly if you use a visitor’s toilet.


  • Visiting will be restricted to two people at a time at patient’s bedside
  • Visiting times will be displayed outside the ward and they are at the discretion of the nurse in charge. Please respect the times in the day needed for patients to rest and to receive treatment
  • Please do not sit on hospital beds or put your feet on beds
  • Please do not visit your relative or friend if you have a cold or have diarrhoea or vomiting within the last 48 hours
  • While you are visiting at the hospital please do not use the patient’s toilets. There are separate toilets for visitors
  • Please help use keep our hospital clean and tidy by disposing of waste, for example, used tissues or sweet wrappers in the waste bins provided
  • If you are taking your relatives/friends washing home, please do so on a regular basis so there is no build up of used laundry in their locker
  • Only commercially prepared, wrapped items of food or fruit that can be peeled should be taken in for patients. Food brought in for patients cannot be stored or reheated by the staff

© Wye valley NHS Trust 2025