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Wye Valley NHS Trust

Making a formal complaint

It is important that you make your complaint as soon as possible after the event. Under the NHS Complaints Procedure a complaint must be made not later than 12 months after:

  • The date of the event which is subject of the complaint; or
  • The date on which you realised you had something to complain about.

The above time limit will apply if the Trust is satisfied that you have good reasons for not making the complaint within the time limit.

How can I make a formal complaint?

You can contact the complaints department through various different channels;

  • Telephone us: 01432 364191 - please note this is an answerphone service and we will aim to respond to your call within two working days.  If you have questions or concerns requiring a more immediate response, please contact the ward or departmental managers in the first instance. 
  • Write to us: Wye Valley NHS Trust Complaints Team/Quality & Safety, 1st floor Franklin Barnes Building, Commercial Street Hereford HR1 2AZ
  • Email us:
  • Complete a complaint details form
  • Access leaflet about how to make a complaint

Complaints - what we will do

We recognise that we will not get things right all the time and if at any point the service and treatment you receive does not meet your expectations it is important that you tell us about your experience. We take all complaints very seriously and will do our upmost to;

  • Find out from you what the problems are and what you would like as the outcome
  • Agree with you how you would like your complaint handled
  • Agree with you a timescale in which to investigate your complaint
  • Acknowledge your complaint within three working days
  • Ensure that the investigation is thorough and fair to all concerned
  • Ensure that your receive a prompt response to your complaint
  • Ensure that the Trust improves services where appropriate


If you are sending in a complaint on behalf of someone else, we will need to gain consent from them for you to act on their behalf. To do this access the form of authority and return this form with your complaint.

Frequently asked questions

Q. Will my care be affected by raising my concerns or complaints?
A. No, we cannot stress enough that your care will not be adversely affected by you raising your concerns or complaints with us. It might very well help to improve your care; because it is only by knowing and listening to what people have to say that we can make things better for you and others.

Q. What happens if you cannot resolve my complaint?
A. We will do everything we can find a resolution to any concerns or complaints that you might have. However, there may be occasions where we can do no more. In these circumstances, we will tell you and you will then be free to ask the Health Service Ombudsman to review your complaint and the way we have responded to you. You can contact the Health Service Ombudsman via:

Telephone: 0345 015 4033

Write: Millbank Tower


Making a Formal Complaint / Raising a Concern


© Wye valley NHS Trust 2024