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Wye Valley NHS Trust


Your search results for: 3)Langerhans cells
Jaundice is a common condition which affects many newborn babies. It is usually mild and causes a yellow tone to the skin and sometimes to the sclera (whites of the eyes). It usually resolves after a few days and isn’t too much of a concern. However, occasionally babies will need treatment for jaundice. This is most likely to be in the form of phototherapy, but if it is severe then an exchange transfusion may be advised, this is rarer. Jaundice occurs because when babies are in the womb, they have many more red blood cells than average to allow for…
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Key workers The key workers provide support and information to patients and their families. They are based at the Macmillan Renton Unit, Hereford County Hospital. They co-ordinate your gynae-oncology care and liaise with all other health professionals involved in your care. Their aim to ensure there is continuity for you.  Find out about the Macmillan Renton Unit. Karen Gow and Lesley Williams are the gynaecology cancer clinical nurse specialists (CNS)/ keyworkers based at Hereford County Hospital. They are available to support you from the point of diagnosis onwards. They aim is to try and reduce the stress and anxiety that…
Gestational diabetes If you have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes, it is because it has been found that you have a higher than normal level of glucose (sugar) in your bloodstream. It is called gestational diabetes because it has been found whilst you are pregnant.  In a small amount of cases, it may be that a woman has undiagnosed diabetes, not caused by pregnancy.  The only way to know this is after your baby is born.  If your blood glucose remains high or uncontrolled postnatally then it is likely you have type 2 diabetes, your GP will check this at…
If you have previously given birth by caesarean section your care will differ slightly. You will continue seeing your midwife in the community setting, but will also be invited for a consultant appointment at 14 to 16 weeks and then again at 34 to 36 weeks.  A full discussion about your previous birth and current pregnancy will take place and the options for birth this time around.  Your consultant should go through the risks and benefits of both a VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarean) and an EL LSCS (elective caesarean section).  If you decide to opt for an EL LSCS…
The service provides the following: Home visits: For newly diagnosed patients within 2 weeks of their diagnosis. This appointment usually is approximately 2 hours in length For initiation of injection training for the disease modifying training Follow up visit 4 weeks after injection commencement For patients who are in Nursing homes for symptom review and support For patients who are unable to attend clinics for symptom review and support Clinic locations: Sarum House MS Therapy Centre Leominster hospital Ross Hospital Ledbury Hospital Bromyard hospital Kington GP Practice Llandrindod Wells GP Practice Hereford Oxygen & Wellness Therapy Centre Video and Telephone…
Hospital at home
Reasons you may be offered an induction of labour  The following circumstances in pregnancy may result in an induction of labour being offered to you: Post-dates pregnancy Advanced maternal age (40 years of age or more) Suspected big baby Suspected small baby Diabetes Pre-eclampsia Reduced fetal movements IVF If your waters break before tightenings start Obstetric Cholestasis Skip to the factsheet that is relevant to you, so you can start to make a fully informed decision on whether you would like an induction of labour.  Post-dates pregnancy A term pregnancy is classed as anything between 37 and 42 weeks. The…
The Nephrology (Renal) Department at Hereford County Hospital (Wye Valley NHS Trust) is a satellite tertiary care service for care patients who require urgent or routine referrals for outpatient care. Urgent inpatient care is provided initially by an Acute Medical Team with access to the Nephrology Specialism for advice and guidance when it is required.. The regional (Hub) for Nephrology (Renal) services is at Queen Elizabeth Hospital (University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust).  There is 24 hour access to renal services provided by the Queen Elizabeth Hospital UHB NHS Trust and there is also a satellite renal service at Worcester…
Introduction The Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) department provides diagnostic and treatment facilities for a wide range of ear, nose and throat diseases. Outline of the department The department consists of four consultants who provide services between Hereford and Worcester. They are supported by one Foundation Year doctor, one resident doctor, and two clinical nurse specialists. There is a fully staffed audiology department providing hearing services and hearing aids. The ENT consultants also provide: Outreach services and day case surgery at Llandrindod Wells Hospital A specialist paediatric clinic at the Children's Development Centre, Ross Road, Hereford Links with other departments…

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