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Sex and persistent pain

Persistent pain, also known as ‘chronic’ pain can affect your sex life, including sexual and emotional intimacy. Whilst some people might live full and contented lives without sexual relationships, others feel it is important to them. Seeking help and advice on this matter is healthy and can be beneficial in solving sexual difficulties for those with persistent pain and chronic health conditions. 

The following links provide some information on who to contact and how to address these issues.

Pain Concern provides helpful advice in regards to sexual and emotional intimacy and communication.  The following podcast  (Podcast 97) is available for further information.  

Arthritis Research provides specific and graphic downloadable, printable information particularly for heterosexual partnerships and further resources regarding sex and chronic pain queries. 

In an edition of ‘Airing Pain’ via Able Radio Podcast on Sex and Chronic Pain (Podcast 97), Paul speaks to Dr Edwards and Petersen about the major difficulties patients experience when it comes to living with chronic pain and managing sexual intimacy and techniques that can be used to combat them. 

Relate is an organisation which promotes relationship counselling and can offer tailored advice to you and your partner through guidance from a sex therapist. Visit Relate website to find out how they might be able to help you or for specific information on the Relate website regarding painful sex

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