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Wye Valley NHS Trust

School Nursing Service

About the Service

School Nurses are public health nurses working in the community, they are registered nurses with an additional public health nursing qualification. School Nurses have specialist knowledge and skills to enable them to work with children and young people aged from 5-19.

The School Nursing team is comprised of School Nurses, Community Staff Nurses and School Nurse Assistants and as a service we are committed to supporting students, therefore a student may accompany us and be present during contacts. If you would prefer for a student to not be present please let your School Nurse know.

The School Nursing team also work collaboratively with education, health professionals and other agencies which work with children to improve health outcomes for children and young people. Additionally, School Nurses work closely with social care on order to keep children and young people safe from harm.

The School Nursing team are not based in schools, but each school will have an allocated School Nurse.

What we can support with

School Nurses and School Nurse Assistants have specific skills and knowledge to help children and young people with their health needs by providing information, support and advice on topics such as sexual health, healthy diet and exercise, alcohol use, substance misuse, emotional wellbeing and mental health including self-harm. This support is delivered through one to one sessions, small groups and on a larger scale in school assemblies.


The School Nursing service provides a drop in at every secondary school in the county, where students can call by and see a School Nurse.  Currently, the drop ins are a booked appointment due to the pandemic, but usually young people can access this service without the need to book an appointment.  The drop in service allows young people to discuss any health issues that may be worrying them.

These worries may include worry around achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, relationships, sexual health, emotional and mental health, smoking, alcohol, substances and keeping safe.  Everything that a young person says to the School Nurse is in confidence and not discussed with school staff unless agreed by the student, or if there is a risk of harm.

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Growth Monitoring – National Childhood Measurement Programme

As part of the National Childhood Measurement Programme (NCMP) all children in England in years R and 6 have their height and weight measured.

The National Childhood Measurement Programme provides information to help build an understanding of how children are growing, so that the best possible advice and support can be provided to children and their families. All measurements are undertaken by trained school nursing staff and measurements are completed in school.

You will receive a letter detailing your childs measurements once the programme has been completed.

Single Point of Access (Advice Line)

The Single Point of Access (SPOA) provides children and young people aged 5-19 and their families with advice from the school nursing service.

The Single Point of Access can provide advice and support over the phone and you can also be signposted to other appropriate services.

The Single Point of Access is managed by a School Nurse and runs Monday-Friday, 9am-4.30pm (excluding bank holidays and weekends).  If you leave a message outside of these hours we will respond within one working day and if at weekends or bank holidays this will be our next working day.

Call 07813 451034 for support from a School Nurse

The Single Point of Access is not an emergency service, for urgent medical attention and advice please contact your GP, 111 or 999.

SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability)

There is information, support, services and activities for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

To find out about the local SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) offer visit the Trust's SEND page.

Child safeguarding

To find out information about child safeguarding and contact details visit our child safeguarding website page.



School Nursing Service - quick links

Substance misuse support:

Talk to Frank


Talk Community

Emotional and mental health support

Strong Young Minds

Young Minds

Healthy Lifestyles:


The Eat well Guide

Keeping Safe Online:



Special Educational Needs support:


National Autistic Society

LOOK UK (visual impairment)

Child safeguarding

Child safeguarding information and contact details


© Wye valley NHS Trust 2025