Visiting arrangements

More information is available on the visiting page

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Wye Valley NHS Trust

Become a research ambassador

We are keen to involve patients, participants and the public in the conduct and development of our research activity, beyond participation in trials. Research Ambassadors are patients, carers or members of the public that volunteer to help the research team. The main aim of this is to help improve access to research opportunities for patients, and to put patients at the heart of what we do. They do this by:

  • Helping to increase awareness of research amongst NHS Professionals by attending induction programmes, meetings and events by manning stands and handing out leaflets.
  • Helping to improve our communications such as our website by reviewing what is available and making suggestions for improvement
  • Taking part in audits of the availability of research information in the hospital (like a Mystery Shopper campaign)
  • Manning stands in the main entrance at the hospital such as on International Clinical Trials Day to help increase awareness of research with visitors to the Trust.
  • Attending research and development committee meetings to give their opinion

To find out more, please contact the Clinical Trials team email or telephone 01432 355444 Ext 5279

Useful links

NHS Choices website

Patient information and health and care research

National Institute for Health and Research  

Clinical Research Network

CRN West Midlands                                                          


Research team

Clinical Trials Team
01432 355444 Ext 5279

Research and development office
01905 760 221

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© Wye valley NHS Trust 2024