More information is available on the visiting page
About Us
- About the Trust
- The Trust Board
- Annual Reports
- Information Requests
- Patient Information
- Freedom of Information Requests
- FOI2024/002 CAFM Information (Computer Aided Facilities Management/Space Management)
- FOI2024/006 Treatment of dermatological conditions
- FOI2024/007 Duchenne muscular dystrophy
- FOI2024/009 Non-British patients
- FOI2024/011 Agency Vendors (1)
- FOI2024/014 65 weeks for elective treatment
- FOI2024/016 Insource and Outsource Expenditure
- FOI2024/017 Request on Asthma
- FOI2024/018 PACS, VNA, RIS, Digital Pathology, and Cardiology PACS systems
- FOI2024/020 NHS Trust's operations and tele reporting services
- FOI2024/021 Medical devices / EBME devices
- FOI2024/023 Urinary catheter
- FOI2024/024 Corporate shared service data for finance, payroll, HR, and procurement as submitted in
- FOI2024/025 Admissions and deaths caused by air pollution
- FOI2024/026 Clinical Coding
- FOI2024/033 Planned Care and Follow-up Appointments
- FOI2024/034 Temporary Staffing Workforce Systems (FY23/24)
- FOI2024/035 Commercial Trials
- FOI2024/036 Specialist Clinical Systems
- FOI2024/039 Energy Management
- FOI2024/041 Request on AML
- FOI2024/045 Spend on Office Supplies and associated Products
- FOI2024/047 SARs
- FOI2024/048 Mobile MRI & CT
- FOI2024/049 Social Media Management and Listening
- FOI2024/050 Stonewall funding
- FOI2024/051 AI in Service Management
- FOI2024/054 Hospital Admissions due to Psychedelics Consumption
- FOI2024/055 Translate healthcare information communications
- FOI2024/057 Histology Reporting
- FOI2024/058 Procured Insourced Services
- FOI2024/059 Virtual Ward Spend
- FOI2024/062 Clinical systems information
- FOI2024/063 Outsourced Teleradiology Reporting Contracts
- FOI2024/064 Energy Meters (Ref: 224)
- FOI2024/065 Recruitment practices and expenditures of WVT
- FOI2024/069 Estates and Facilities Sector
- FOI2024/070 biologic and targeted medications within dermatology
- FOI2024/071 Provision for urgent and emergency ophthalmology (eye care) services
- FOI2024/073 Biologic medicines in dermatology
- FOI2024/076 Usage of biologic and biosimilar products
- FOI2024/077 Absorbent Continence Products
- FOI2024/079 GCA
- FOI2024/080 FOI Team and structure
- FOI2024/081 Holter services in the Trust
- FOI2024/082 April agency staff spend
- FOI2024/083 intra-vitreal injections or implants
- FOI2024/085 Virtual Wards
- FOI2024/089 General Ward Monitoring
- FOI2024/092 LIMS
- FOI2024/093 Global Healthcare Recruitment
- FOI2024/095 International Recruitment 2023/2024
- FOI2024/096 Multi-Functional Devices and printing/ scanning services contract
- FOI2024/097 Digital dictation
- FOI2024/104 Agency Cover Rates
- FOI2024/110 Mobile Device Management
- FOI2024/111 Leaflets and e-consent
- FOI2024/117 External contractors for nurses
- FOI2024/119 Individuals arriving at A&E with tooth decay
- FOI2024/122 Car park management
- FOI2024/123 Flow of Information
- FOI2024/192 Prostate Cancer Diagnosis
- FOI2024/196 Replacement or purchase of any patient trolleys
- FOI2024/201 Staff, FOI & SAR numbers
- FOI2024/202 Nursing spend
- FOI2024/209 Capital Estate Activity in Past 4 Years
- FOI2024/220 Multi-functional devices / photocopiers
- FOI2024/222 Orthotic and Prosthetic service
- FOI2024/225 EPR spend
- FOI2024/231 Agency Bookings
- FOI2024/244 Nuclear Medicine imaging system & SPECT/CT
- FOI2024/250 Agency spend over last 3 years
- FOI2024/259 Asthma
- FOI2024/268 Oversea Visitors
- FOI2024/278 Temporary Staff Spend 23/24
- FOI2024/281 Digital Healthcare Initiatives
- FOI2024/288 Clinical systems information request August 2024
- FOI2024/291 Hospital Parking
- FOI2024/295 Trust stats
- FOI2024/297 Hoists at the WVT
- FOI2024/304 Trust systems
- FOI2024/310 Interpretation services
- FOI2024/311 Motion Picture Licensing Company
- FOI2024/312 Retail and food concessions
- FOI2024/313 New biologic and targeted medications within dermatology
- FOI2024/314 Gastroenterology Department
- FOI2024/320 Usage of biologic and biosimilar products
- FOI2024/327 A&E Tooth Injury Admissions
- FOI2024/328 biologic medicines in dermatology
- FOI2024/329 Patient observations - data in ICU or Anaesthesia
- FOI2024/336 Staffing mix over time
- FOI2024/339 Intra-vitreal injections or implants
- FOI2024/346 Nursing and Care Agencies and Spend Data
- Subject Access Requests (SAR) – how to access records
- Environmental Impact
- Finance
- Fraud
- Our Performance
- Quality and Safety
- Waiting Times
- Patient privacy and dignity
- Infection Prevention
- Patients Preventing Infection
- Visitors Preventing Infection
- Coronavirus Public Health England advice
- Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase (ESBL) producing Organism
- Hand hygiene – information for patients
- Clostridioides difficile
- Meticillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
- Viral Gastroenteritis (Including Norovirus)
- Respiratory Syncytial Virus
- Monkeypox
- Group Strep A (GAS
- Child safeguarding
- Safer staffing
- Adult safeguarding
- Freedom to Speak Up
- NHS Staff Survey 2023
- Equality, Diversity & Human Rights
- Privacy notice
- Annual General Meeting
- Contact Us
- Acute hospital services (The County Hospital)
- Community services
- Acquired brain injuries
- Children's Community Nursing
- Childrens hearing service
- Community Palliative Care
- Community stroke rehabilitation
- Dental access centres
- District nursing
- Epilepsy specialist nursing team (adult services)
- Falls Service
- Health Psychology
- Health visiting
- Lymphoedema service overview
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Paediaticians
- Children's Occupational Therapy
- Children's Physiotherapy
- Pain management service
- Relaxation
- Mindfulness
- Mindfulness MP3 tracks
- Exercise
- managing good days and bad days
- What is long term pain?
- Sleep
- Sex and Persistent Pain
- Other useful resources
- Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)
- Medication
- Referrals
- Services for people with persistent pain in Herefordshire
- gaol setting pain management
- Flare ups
- Introduction to pain management
- Parkinsons disease
- Physiotherapy
- Podiatry
- School Nursing
- Speech and language therapy
- Interpreting service and accessible information
- Research
- Allied Health Professionals (AHPs)
- Mental health services
- SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability)
Visitors and Patients
- Visiting
- County Hospital (ACUTE)
- How to find us and parking
- Outpatients
- Inpatients
- A-Z of Wards
- A-Z Departments
- Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening
- Accident and Emergency (A&E)
- Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Acute Pain Management
- Audiology
- Breast Surgery
- Cardiac Services
- Colorectal Surgery
- Critical care (ITU)
- Day Case Surgical Unit
- Dermatology
- Dietetics
- Discharge lounge
- Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)
- Education and development
- Emergency Department
- Endoscopy
- Fred Bulmer discharge lounge
- Gastroenterology
- Geriatric Medicine
- Gynaecology
- Haematology
- Health@Work
- Human resources and organisational development
- ITU (Intensive Therapy Unit)
- Library Services
- Macmillan Renton Unit (outpatient department and chemotherapy clinic)
- Maternity
- Neurology
- Neurophysiology
- Occupational Therapy
- Ophthalmology
- Oral Surgery and Orthodontics
- Orthopaedics
- Osteoporosis service
- Paediatrics
- Palliative Care
- Pathology
- Patient Experience Team
- Pharmacy
- Physiotherapy
- Podiatric Surgery
- Pre-Operative Assessment Unit
- Radiology
- Radiotherapy
- Renal
- Respiratory Services
- Rheumatology
- Same Day Emergency Care Unit
- Sleep service
- Speech and language therapy
- Stroke Unit
- Theatres
- Tuberculosis service
- Upper Gastro-Intestinal
- Urology
- Vascular
- Voluntary Services
- Pain management service for hospital patients
- X-ray and imaging
- Gynaecology Oncology
- A-Z of Consultants
- Hospital facilities
- Community Hospitals
- Discharge from hospital
- Dental Access Centres
- Gaol Street Health Clinic
- Belmont Clinic
- Our performance
- Organ donation
- Quality and safety
- Waiting times
- Patient privacy and dignity
- Infection prevention
- Safeguarding children
- Armed forces and veterans
- Sarum House
- SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability)
- Patient portal
- News & Events
- Get Involved
- Work with us
- Sitemap
- Terms
- Accessibility
- Disclaimer
- Copyright
- Privacy Policy
- Waiting Times
- Modern Slavery