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Wye Valley NHS Trust

Acquired brain injuries (HABIT)

Acquired brain injuries

We are a small, specialist multidisciplinary rehabilitation team who support medically stable clients living in the community. The team are open to referrals for clients who have an identified acquired brain injury and who have active neuro rehabilitation goals.The team can provide Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Speech & Language Therapy, Clinical Psychological and Psychological Therapy. 

After an Acquired Brain Injury

The difficulties that arise following a brain injury are not always visible and as a result, their impact can be underestimated.

People who have an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) can experience a range of difficulties, such as:

  • Cognition - Issues with memory, attention, and problem solving.
  • Communication - Challenges speaking, writing, and understanding conversation.
  • Emotion - Problems with low mood, anxiety, irritability, and emotional control.
  • Movement - Trouble with walking, controlling limbs, and balance.

We aim to help people understand their injury, its effects, and find the most effective techniques and strategies

Who do we work with?

People over the age of 18 years who have suffered an “acquired brain injury” (i.e. they were not born with a brain injury).

The injury could be the result of:

  • An accident
  • A tumour
  • An infection
  • An assault
  • A stroke (After clients are at least 12 months into their recovery)
  • A metabolic disorder
  • A subarachnoid haemorrhage 

Exclusion Criteria: 

  • Presents with an injury that was acquired under the age of 18 years
  • Grade/stage IV tumour
  • Learning disability alone with no evidence of additional brain injury.
  • Neuro degenerative conditions (e.g. PD/MS/MND)
  • Dementia (inc. Korsakoff)
  • Neuro developmental disorders alone with no evidence of additional brain injury.
  • Active drug/alcohol dependency, suicide risk or psychosis
  • Stroke – less than 12 months post injury (refer to the Community Stroke Team)
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder alone with no evidence of brain injury
  • Functional Neurological Disorder
  • Post-Concussion Syndrome –separate pathway/referral via ABI Team

Referral to acquired brain injury team

The person can be referred to the team by their GP or another health professional involved in their care.  The person must be over 18, and have an identified acquired brain injury. A stroke survivor   will be accepted by our service 12 months post injury.

Referrals from Powys and Gwent Health Authorities will also be accepted where a contract or appropriate agreement is in place.








Acquired Brain Injury Page Image Brainio5



Acquired Brain Injury Team contact details

Acquired Brain Injury Team (HABIT)
Vaughan Building
Ruckhall Lane

Office phone number: 01432 363934


© Wye valley NHS Trust 2024