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Wye Valley NHS Trust

If you decide to decline induction of labour?

If you decide to decline induction of labour?

If you’re not sure that an induction of labour is the right pathway for you and your baby at this point, then you can discuss what you would like to do next with your doctor or midwife. Your plan will be indivualised depending on the reason the induction was offered in the first place but it will be likely to include more regular monitoring of baby using the CTG monitors, ultrasound scans and dopplers, which analyse the blood flow between your placenta and baby. 

As the mother you are also the expert in your baby’s wellbeing by monitoring the fetal movements. It is important for you to know that you can change your mind at any time either way - whether you have consented to an IOL and then realised it it isn’t right for you at this point or whether you have declined an IOL and now think it is the right pathway to choose. 

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