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Wye Valley NHS Trust

Cardiac rehabilitation programme

The Herefordshire Cardiac Rehabilitation service offers you a combination of exercise and education sessions. Our aims are to help you get back to as full a life as possible, to empower and support you to make healthy, sustainable lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of further cardiac events.

Delivery mode

The service deliver face-to-face sessions in groups, in various environments across Herefordshire. For individuals where group session attendance is not possible, we have a home programme.

Group Sessions

Please do not attend if you are Covid-19 positive or if you have the following symptoms:

  • a high temperature
  • a new, continuous cough
  • a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste


Please let us know if you experience any of the following prior or during exercise:

  • chest pain, tightness or new pain
  • If you feel generally unwell
  • changes to your medication
  • you feel short of breath and unable to talk in full sentences
  • If you answer ‘yes’ to any of the Covid checks

General things to consider

  • Wear cool and comfortable clothing and appropriate foot wear
  • Bring a water bottle along and keep hydrated
  • If you have a GTN spray, carry it on you at all times
  • Avoid eating a big meal less than two hours before exercising
  • Family/friends are currently unable to attend sessions with you

Exercise sessions

Your exercise sessions will be structured, supervised and in a safe environment. They include a:

  1. Warm up phase-15minutes (light intensity)
  2. Conditioning phase-10-20 minutes (moderate intensity)
  3. Cool down phase-5-10 minutes (the reverse of the warm up, bringing down the intensity)

Alongside our programme, you should be active 2-3 times a week. We are here to guide you in establishing an exercise programme that is suitable for you.

Education sessions

These sessions will cover a new topic related to heart health following each exercise session.

British Heart Foundation Cardiac rehabilitation at home

The BHF have designed exercise videos to be used in the comfort of your own home. You should only use them if you have received a CR assessment. Use the step by step guide to help you use the videos safely and get the most out of them. You can also sign up to the cardiac rehabilitation email programme to receive weekly support, supplementary to what we will offer you.

Cardiac rehabilitation exercise videos

8 week cardiac rehabilitation email programme

My personal trainer: Your step-by step-guide

© Wye valley NHS Trust 2025