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Wye Valley NHS Trust


The endoscopy department undertakes more than 9,000 procedures each year. The endoscopy team consists of a dedicated team of consultants, trainees, nurses, health care assistants and other allied health professionals. The department has its own specialised, trained endoscopy decontamination technicians.

Our aim is to offer a high standard of clinical care for our patients within a professional, caring, comfortable and friendly environment. We aim to recognise the individual rights of patients, recognising the right to be informed and enabling patients to make decisions. We uphold the Wye Valley NHS Trust’s mission statement to care for patients as we would want to be cared for ourselves.

Outline of the department

The endoscopy unit at Hereford County Hospital consists of two purpose built endoscopy procedure rooms and a third endoscopy room at Ross-on-Wye Community Hospital.  Each endoscopy unit has its own dedicated recovery facility.  The endoscopy departments are jointly run with the medical/surgical/nursing/decontamination and administration teams covering both sites.  Both units are located on the ground floor.

In Hereford the endoscopy department undertakes upper GI endoscopy, flexible sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, ERCP and GI stent placement. Bronchoscopy, and thoracoscopy are carried out by the respiratory team; cystoscopy is carried out by the urology team (see links to other departments).

In Ross Community Hospital department carries out upper GI endoscopy, colonoscopy and flexible sigmoidoscopy.

Both units are screening centres for the National Bowel cancer Screening Programme with Bowel cancer screening carried out at Hereford and Bowel Scope being carried out at Ross. The endoscopy department is JAG accredited - an achievement of which we are proud to maintain.

Before coming for an endoscopy

Here are some things that you can do to prepare yourself for the procedure:

  • Ensure you have read the information regarding your procedure. If you have any questions then you can phone the booking team on the number above or the nurses - numbers in the contact details section.
  • If you need to fast for your procedure, make sure you have done so for the correct amount of time.
  • If you need to take bowel preparation remember it is intended to make you go to the toilet to make sure the bowel is clean enough to obtain good views.
  • Anticoagulants may need to be stopped prior to your procedure - if phoning for advice ensure you know why you are taking this medication (the department does not have patient notes available).
  • If you cannot for any reason make your appointment, please telephone the booking team to reschedule so the slot can be given to another person. We strive hard to keep the waiting times as short as possible.
  • Consider if you need sedation (if offered for a procedure) and make arrangements to be collected from the endoscopy department and for someone to be with you for 12 hours afterwards.

On the day of your procedure

  • Please leave valuables at home.
  • Remove nail varnish from finger nails as this hinders monitoring during endoscopy.
  • Have the contact details of the person collecting and staying with you if necessary.
  • Bring dressing gown and slippers if asked to do so in your information leaflet.

Infection prevention and control

We are very aware of the importance of maintaining a clean environment and would ask that all visitors to the department use the hand gel on entering and leaving the area. Please do not come to the hospital if you are experiencing vomiting or a gastroenteritis bug.

Patient leaflets

Links to other departments

The endoscopy department has close links with gastroenterology, Upper GI surgical departments, respiratory and urology teams with the Trust.  Please see links below.


Upper GI surgery




Useful links

British Society of Gastroenterology

The British Association of Urological Surgeons 

British Thoracic Society 


Contact Details

Endoscopy lead
Dr Rupert Ransford  01432 355444 ext 1508

Endoscopy sister
Fiona Goodarzi 01432 355444 ext 1509

Junior sisters
Hannah Baker, Jane Hoyes, Elizabeth Preece 

Booking and appointments
01432 803060

Nurses station
01432 355444 ext 1508

Endoscopy recovery
01432 355444 ext 1505


© Wye valley NHS Trust 2025