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Wye Valley NHS Trust

Human resources and organisational development

The human resources and organisational development directorate incorporates the following teams/ departments: recruitment, temporary staffing, HR business systems, payroll, medical staffing, HR operations, health@work and education and development.


The recruitment team provides a central recruitment service, processing all advertisements, applications and contracts of employment for the Trust (including medical appointments) and managing the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checking service.

The team is based at Franklin Barnes Building in Hereford.

Temporary staffing

The temporary staffing team provide a centralised service to the Trust for the provision and deployment of temporary staffing which includes nursing, medical, allied health professionals, administrative and clerical staff, and agency workers and those registered on the Trust’s internal bank. The team provides a seven day service from 7am to 7pm.

The temporary staffing team is based on site at the County Hospital on the 1st floor adjacent to Spires.

HR business systems

The team provides trust wide workforce information and manages and maintains the Electronic Staff Record (ESR) system, incorporating the ESR self-service functionality. In addition, the team maintains, configures and supports the Trust’s e-rostering system.

The team is based in the Franklin Barnes Building.


Payroll provides the support required to facilitate the correct payment of salaries, wages, taxation and pension services for Trust staff.

The team is based in the Franklin Barnes Building.

Medical staffing

The medical staffing team provides advice and support to managers and staff on a full range of employment related matters specifically relevant to medical and dental staff. The team is responsible for managing medical and dental staff policy development and updates, the local Clinical Excellence Awards scheme, and supporting job planning, appraisal and revalidation for medical staff. The medical staffing team also works closely with the divisions to ensure the rotational arrangements for junior doctors are incorporated into rotas and these rotas are developed according to national and local requirements and changes.

The team is based in the Franklin Barnes Building.

HR operations

The team provides advice and support to managers and staff on a full range of employment related matters. The team is responsible for local HR policy development and implementation, managing employee relations casework, job design and evaluation, and staff engagement.

The HR Business Partners (HRBPs) and Deputy HRBPs within the team are aligned with and work closely with the divisions to support business planning and workforce development.

The team is based in the Franklin Barnes Building.


The health@work department is a nurse-led service consisting of one lead nurse and one specialist nurse practitioner who are both Registered Specialist Community Public Health Nurses (OH), three occupational health advisors, two clinic nurses, one business manager and two administration staff. The service also employs two sessional consultant occupational health physicians. The department provides a range of services to support the health and wellbeing of employees.

The health@work department is based in Gwyndra Downs, on the County Hospital site.

Education and development

The Education Directorate has been launched with the vision of promoting truly multi-professional education supported by one integrated team.

Useful Links

Work with us

Health@Work department

Contact Details

Head of resourcing     

Recruitment team       

Medical recruitment team

Temporary staffing manager
0300 330 1366

Temporary staffing team
0300 330 1366

HR business systems manager

Payroll manager

Payroll team


Medical staffing manager

Medical staffing team

Head of HR

HR operations team


Education and development team
355444 Ext. 5514






© Wye valley NHS Trust 2025