More information is available on the visiting page
Delivery suite
The Delivery Suite at Hereford County Hospital provides both Consultant-led and Midwife-led care. It is situated on the second floor, adjacent to the Maternity Ward.
The Delivery Suite is equipped to meet your needs and you will be offered the full range and choice of pain relief options, depending on your birth plan. Once you’ve had your baby, you’ll move to the Maternity Ward.
Our delivery suite comprises of five, good sized birthing rooms. Each room has an ensuite bathroom, birthing bed and reclining chair for birth partners.
We have equipment to help you personalise your room such as projector lights, electronic candles and aromatherapy diffusers.
You are welcome to bring in things from home such as your own pillow for comfort or speakers to play music or hypnobirthing affirmations – we can also play these through the computer in your room if you don’t have any speakers.
Room one has recently been refurbished and is set up as our low risk room. It has a large inflatable pool and in built star lights in the ceiling. Room Two also has a birth pool located in the ensuite bathroom.
In the event of needing to birth your baby quickly with the use of instruments or by caesarean section, our obstetric theatre is just at the end of the corridor. After being in theatre you would go back to the birth room you were in previously, while you recover. Once staff are satisfied that you are well enough, you will then be transferred to the postnatal ward.
There is small patient kitchen on delivery suite where you and your partner can help yourselves to hot drinks, water and snacks.
Whilst you are on delivery suite you can have up to two birthing partners to support you the whole time.
Patient property
Read about keeping your personal/patient property safe whilst at the Trust on the main Maternity website page.
Delivery Suite/Maternity Triage Manager: Annette Arnold
Direct Ward: 01432 364070
Maternity Triage: 07990986517
Antenatal and community lead midwife: Abbi Maddox, 01432 372963
For advice and contact with a midwife and appropriate referral to treatment if needed.