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Wye Valley NHS Trust

Optimal cord clamping

When your baby is born they are still receiving oxygen and blood through the umbilical cord and placenta to allow a smooth transition into life outside of the womb.

At any one time, a third of a baby’s blood volume is in their placenta. Therefore it is recommended that the cord is left unclamped until baby has received all of their blood.

If the cord is left until it has stopped pulsating, baby can benefit from increased iron, oxygen and weight gain.Delayed cord clamping is now routinely practised. This is when the cord is left for at least one minute after birth.

However, if you would like your baby to benefit from optimal cord clamping please let your midwife know.

If there are any concerns about your baby at birth then the midwife may recommend clamping and cutting the cord earlier in order to take baby to the resusitaire for assessment.

© Wye valley NHS Trust 2025