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Wye Valley NHS Trust


Continuation of Maternity Services during COVID-19

For the latest advice for pregnant women and their families see link below and information on this page. The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) have guidance which is being regularly updated   

Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic information for pregnant women - 19/8/20 

Research produced during the COVID-19 outbreak has shown that pregnant women from Black, Asian and minority backgrounds (which we often refer to in the NHS as BAME backgrounds) have an increased chance of having severe symptoms of COVID-19 that require hospitalisation (4x the chance). Research is ongoing to explain the reasons for why this is the case so we can provide appropriate care. In these uncertain times, we want to support you with any anxieties you might be experiencing about coming to or staying in hospital. We would like you to know that we are here to help and support you.  You can also find out more about pregnancy and COVID-19 on the NHS website.



© Wye valley NHS Trust 2025