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Arrow Ward
Arrow ward is the designated Respiratory ward shared with the General Medical team at The County Hospital. The ward is made up of 24 beds split between five bays and five side rooms as well as a procedure room. Up to 16 of these beds are reserved for respiratory patients and the procedure room is often used for patients who need invasive procedures, such as chest drains.
For visiting information also see this page.
The ward is staffed with Nurses who are trained to look after a wide variety patients, particularly those who have respiratory issues. This includes patients who need Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV), High Flow Nasal Oxygen (HFNO) and Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP), all of which can be delivered on the ward in cohorted areas.
Some of the bays and side rooms are also equipped with negative-pressure capabilities to allow for patients with infectious respiratory diseases to be managed in isolation.
The ward is also staffed by the respiratory consultants who take it in turns to have ward duties. They are directly supported by their medical team who attend the ward every morning and perform patient reviews throughout the day. The medical team is comprised of junior doctors in training, staff-grade doctors and Physician Associates.
The ward team is also supported by ward based allied healthcare professionals in the form of Respiratory Clinical Nurse Specialists and Clinical Practitioners who help in the management and discharge of patients who have various chronic lung diseases. They also arrange home oxygen and can perform inhaler reviews.
The wider respiratory team are also involved with managing patients on the ward, including respiratory physiology.
Other allied healthcare professionals present include Occupational Therapists (OTs), Physiotherapists and dietitians.
Some patients who are discharged from Arrow Ward are then followed up by the Early Supportive Discharge (ESD) team.
Arrow Ward
01432 364116
Respiratory Nurses Office (including ward based respiratory nurses and clinical practitioners)
01432 364416
Visiting Times
10am to 7pm, Monday to Friday
- Dr P Ryan – Respiratory Consultant
- Dr A Phillips - Respiratory Consultant
- Dr I Du Rand – Respiratory Consultant
- Dr S El Batrawy - Respiratory Consultant
- Dr A Talbot-Smith – Associate Specialist
- Sam Maryosh – Physician Associate
- Bettina Mwale – Physician Associate
- Anna Korba – Physician Associate
- Felicity Archer – Matron
- Deb Pepper – Ward Sister
- Tom Cull – Junior Charge Nurse
- Katie Price – Junior Sister