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Wye Valley NHS Trust


Steroids (tablets, injection, or infusion) can be extremely helpful to settle a flare-up when it has not improved with the above measures.

Steroids will not cure your inflammatory disease, but they can be helpful to reduce the inflammation.

Steroids should however be used sparingly, in the smallest possible dose and for the shortest time because of its side-effects.


When can I have a steroid injection?

If your inflammatory arthritis is active and has not responded to the above measures, we may consider a steroid injection to manage your symptoms.

We can also consider giving you a steroid injection as a “bridging treatment” when you are waiting for new medication to start working.


How often can I have a steroid injection?

There is no specific number on how many steroid injections you can have, however long-term use of steroids is associated with significant side effects.

Also, if a steroid injection has not been effective or if it wears off quickly, repeating it may not be helpful.

If you are requiring repeated steroid injections, it could show that your joint disease is not well controlled, and we may need to review your Rheumatology medication.


Useful links:

VERSUS ARTHRITIS – Steroid injections


NRAS – Steroids

© Wye valley NHS Trust 2025