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Wye Valley NHS Trust

What should I do if I miss a dose of my Biologic drug (biosimilar)?

If you have forgotten or were not able to take your Biologic drug at the right time, take it as soon as you remember. Your next dose of biologic will need to be taken with the usual time gap between injections for your type of biologic. This will mean that the day of the week you normally take your drug will change.

For example, if you take weekly Etanercept, and inject on Tuesdays. You might forget to take your weekly injection on a Tuesday, but then remember on Wednesday and take it then; you would then need to change your injection day to Wednesdays for all the following weeks.

For example, if you take fortnightly Adalimumab, and inject on Wednesdays. You might forget to take your injection on a Wednesday, but then remember on Friday and take it then; you would then need to change your injection day to Fridays for all the following fortnights.

Forgetting to take your biologic drug can result with less control of your disease. If you find it difficult to keep injecting on the right days, please contact the Rheumatology Advice Line to discuss this further.

© Wye valley NHS Trust 2025