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Consultants A to Z
Surname | Init | Title | Position Title | Registration Body |
Acharya | J | Mr. | Consultant diabetets and endocrinology | General Medical Council |
Adeyemo | AD | Mr. | Consultant Laparoscopic Surgeon | General Medical Council |
Agarwal | S | Dr. | Consultant Anaesthetist | General Medical Council |
Agwu | J | Dr. | Chief Medical Officer | General Medical Council |
Ahmed | A | Dr. | Consultant Radiologist | General Medical Council |
Akhtar | M | Mr. | Consultant Urology | General Medical Council |
Akhtar | S | Ms. | Consultant Obstetric and Gynaecology | General Medical Council |
Al-Hadithy | N | Ms. | Plastic Surgery Consultant | General Medical Council |
Al-Watter | Z | Mr. | Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedics | General Medical Council |
Al-Zahid | S | Mr. | Locum Consultant ENT | General Medical Council |
Anwer | S | Dr. | Locum Medical Consultant | General Medical Council |
Arun | C | Mr. | Consultant General Surgery | General Medical Council |
Bagel | M | Dr. | Locum Consultant Radiologist | General Medical Council |
Balelhithlu | H | Dr. | Consultant Paediatrics | General Medical Council |
Barclay | A | Dr. | Consultant General Acute Medicine | General Medical Council |
Bartlett | J | Dr. | Consultant Acute Medicine | General Medical Council |
Bassi | N | Dr. | Consultant Dermatology | General Medical Council |
Bavananthan | T | Mrs | Consultant Obs & Gynaecology | General Medical Council |
Beavan | P | Dr. | Consultant Anaesthetics | General Medical Council |
Bick | E | Dr. | Locum Consultant Anaesthetist | General Medical Council |
Bhat | A | Mr. | Consultant Urologist | General Medical Council |
Bhawskina | P | Dr. | Locum Consultant Radiologist | General Medical Council |
Bissell | IJ | Mr. | Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedics | General Medical Council |
Blazej | S | Mr. | Consultant General Surgeon | General Medical Council |
Blower | AC | Dr. | Consultant Palliative Care | General Medical Council |
Burdsall | J | Dr. | Consultant Gastroenterology | General Medical Council |
Burrows | R | Dr. | Locum Renal Consultant | General Medical Council |
Cartwright | J | Dr. | Consultant Emergency Department | General Medical Council |
Chalasani | U | Dr. | Consultant Radiologist | General Medical Council |
Chapman | J | Dr. | Consultant Histopathologist | General Medical Council |
Cheek | CM | Miss. | Consultant General Surgery | General Medical Council |
Chilvers | J | Dr. | Consultant Anaesthetics | General Medical Council |
Chipwete | S | Mrs. | Consultant Obs and Gynae | General Medical Council |
Clarke | D | Mr. | Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedics | General Medical Council |
Clarke | JL | Dr. | Consultant Paediatrics | General Medical Council |
Cochran | D | Dr. | Consultant Anaesthetist | General Medical Council |
Cohn | MR | Mr. | Consultant Obs & Gynaecology | General Medical Council |
Connell | J | Dr | Consultant Anaesthetics | General Medical Council |
Cross | N | Dr | Consultant Radiologist | General Medical Council |
Dagger | F | Dr. | Consultant Emergency Department | General Medical Council |
Darwood | IE | Dr. | Consultant Paediatrics | General Medical Council |
Das | K | Mr. | Consultant Breast Surgeon | General Medical Council |
Davies | I | Dr. | Locum Consultant Emergency Department | General Medical Council |
Davis | JE | Dr. | Consultant Radiology | General Medical Council |
Dawes | R | Dr. | Consultant Anaesthetist | General Medical Council |
Day-Thompson | T | Dr. | Consultant Anaesthetics | General Medical Council |
Dickinson | K | Dr. | Consultant Histopathologist | General Medical Council |
Diba | VC | Dr. | Consultant Dermatology | General Medical Council |
Du Rand | I | Dr. | Consultant Physician Respiratory | General Medical Council |
Dykes | L | Dr. | Consultant in Emergency Medicine | General Medical Council |
El Batrawy | S | Dr. | Consultant Respiratory | General Medical Council |
El Refaiy | A | Mr. | Locum Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedics | General Medical Council |
Etman | Y | Dr, | Consultant Dermatology | General Medical Council |
Facchini | A | Dr. | Consultant Orthogeriatrician | General Medical Council |
Fellows | H | Dr. | Consultant Gastroenterology | General Medical Council |
Ferring | M | Dr. | Renal Consultant | General Medical Council |
Foggensteiner | L | Dr. | Renal Consultant | General Medical Council |
Forken | M | Dr. | Locum Consultant Physician Acute Medicine | General Medical Council |
Forrest | M | Dr. | Consultant in Anaesthetics | General Medical Council |
French | A | Dr. | Consultant Cardiologist | General Medical Council |
Fusi-Rubiano | W | Mr. | Consultant Ophthalmalogy | General Medical Council |
Gaikwad | K | Mr. | Locum Consultant Radiologist | General Medical Council |
Giffen | M | Dr. | Consultant Oral Surgeon | General Medical Council |
Gilpin | R | Mr. | Consultant Geriatric Medicine | General Medical Council |
Glancy | JM | Dr. | Consultant Physician Cardiology | General Medical Council |
Goodwin | F | Dr. | Consultant Paediatrician | General Medical Council |
Govindan | J | Dr. | Consultant Physician - Diabetes & Endocrinology | General Medical Council |
Grech | P | Dr. | Consultant Radiologist | General Medical Council |
Gupta | S | Mr. | Locum Consultant Cardiologist | Genearl Medical Council |
Hafiz | E | Mr. | Consultant Obstetrics and Gynaecology | General Medical Council |
Hanasoge | RN | Dr. | Consultant Radiology | General Medical Council |
Hayes | M | Dr. | Consultant Histopathology | General Medical Council |
Heron | J | Dr. | Consultant Radiologist | General Medical Council |
Hewarathna | U | Mr. | Locum Consultant Cardiologist | General Medical Council |
Hicken | B | Dr. | Locum Consultant (Physician) Acute Medicine | General Medical Council |
Hobern | S | Dr. | Consultant Obstetrics and Gynaecology | General Medical Council |
Hodgson | R | Dr. | Consultant Anaesthetics | General Medical Council |
Hosain | M | Mr. | Consultant Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery | General Medical Council |
Hudson | S | Dr. | Locum Consultant Cardiologist | General Medical Council |
Jack | F | Dr. | Consultant Haematologist | General Medical council |
Ibrahim | S | Mrs. | Consultant Obs and Gynae | General Medical Council |
Jawed | A | Mr. | Locum Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedics | General Medical Council |
Jenkin | R | Dr. | Consultant Geriatric Medicine | General Medical Council |
Jenkinson | N | Dr. | Consultant Geriatric Medicine | General Medical Council |
Johnson | AS | Dr. | Consultant Microbiology | General Medical Council |
Kale | SU | Mrs. | Consultant ENT | General Medical Council |
Kariyappa Sanjeevaiah | M | Dr. | Consultant Paediatrics | General Medical Council |
Katali | H | Mr. | Consultant Obstetrics and Gynaecology | General Medical Council |
Kerr | J | Mrs. | Consultant Anaesthetist | General Medical Council |
Kotas | A | Dr. | Consultant Paediatrics | General Medical Council |
Krtil | P | Dr. | Consultant Paediatrician | General Medical Council |
Kumar | V | Dr. | Locum Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedics | General Medical Council |
Landolfi | C | Dr. | Locum Consuiltant Emergency Department | General Medical Council |
Lennox | N | Mrs. | Consultant Podiatric Surgeon | General Medical Council |
MacGregor | T | Dr. | Consultant General Surgery | General Medical Council |
Madge | SN | Mr. | Consultant Ophthalmologist | General Medical Council |
Mahmalji | W | Mr. | Consultant Urologist | General Medical Council |
Majeed | LJ | Mr. | Locum Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedics | General Medical Council |
Martire | J | Dr. | Geriatric Consultant | General Medical Council |
Matthews | D | Mr. | Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedics | General Medical Council |
McColm | RL | Dr. | Consultant Emergency Department | General Medical Council |
Menon | S | Dr. | Consultant Radiologist | General Medical Council |
Meyrick | RS | Dr. | Consultant paediatrician | General Medical Council |
Milestone | AN | Dr. | Consultant Gastroenterology | General Medical Council |
M'Kandawire | G | Mr | Consultant Radiologist | General Medical Council |
Morgan | A | Dr. | Consultant Anaesthetist | General Medical Council |
Morphis | G | Dr. | Consultant Ophthalmologist | General Medical Council |
Munir | M | Dr. | Consultant Rheumatologist | General Medical Council |
Nayar | R | Mr. | Consultant Urologist | General Medical Council |
Nicholls | M | Dr. | Consultant Anaesthetics | General Medical Council |
Oakley | MJ | Mr. | Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedics | General Medical Council |
O'Leary | R | Dr. | Consultant Anaesthetics | General Medical Council |
Omer | S | Dr. | Locum Stroke Consultant | General Medical Council |
Onwukwe | C | Mr. | Locum Consultant Microbiology | General Medical Council |
Owolabi | O | Dr. | Locum Stroke Consultant | General Medical Council |
Palaniappan | S | Dr. | Consultant Gastroenterologist | General Medical Council |
Paliobies | C | Mr. | Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedics | General Medical Council |
Paris | R | Dr. | Consultant Anaesthetist | General Medical Council |
Peall | A | Dr. | Consultant Rheumatology | General Medical Council |
Peers | L | Dr. | Consultant Paediatrics | General Medical Council |
Penny | LA | Dr. | Consultant Anaesthetics | General Medical Council |
Peppercorn | A | Ms. | Locum Consultant Haematologist | General Medical Council |
Perakath | B | Mr. | Consultant General Surgery | General Medical Council |
Phillips | A | Dr. | Consultant Respiratory | General Medical Council |
Pickett | T | Dr. | Consultant in Renal Medicine | General Medical Council |
Powell | J | Dr. | Consultant Dermatology | General Medical Council |
Powers | DS | Mr. | Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedics | General Medical Council |
Prasad | N | Dr. | Consultant Cardiologist | General Medical Council |
Prasad | R | Dr. | Consultant Gastroenterology | General Medical Council |
Prowse | S | Mr. | Consultant ENT | General Medical Council |
Quadri | T | Dr. | Locum Consultant Acute Medicine & Emergency | General Medical Council |
Radley | D | Dr. | Consultant Anaesthetics | General Medical Council |
Ranawat | V | Mr. | Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedics | General Medical Council |
Ransford | R | Dr. | Consultant Endscopist | General Medical Council |
Rao | MC | Mr. | Consultant Orthopaedics | General Medical Council |
Rao | RM | Dr. | Consultant Histopathology | General Medical Council |
Ravindranathan | G | Mr. | Locum Consultant Haematologist | General Medical Council |
Rees | DH | Dr. | Consultant Rheumatology | General Medical Council |
Rowe | GM | Dr. | Consultant Radiology | General Medical Council |
Ryan | PJ | Dr. | Consultant Respiratory | General Medical Council |
Sachdev | A | Mr. | Consultant Ophthalmologist | General Medical Council |
Samarasekera | S | Dr. | Consultant neurology | General Medical Council |
Sanjeevaiah | M | Dr. | Consultant paediatrician | General Medical Council |
Seagrave | C | Dr. | Consultant Paediatrics | General Medical Council |
Sethi | M | Dr. | Consultant medical | General Medical Council |
Shah | S | Dr. | Consultant Paediatrician | General Medical Council |
Shewell | PC | Mr. | Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedics | General Medical Council |
Sivagnanam | S | Dr. | Locum Consultant Obsetrics and Gynaecology | General Medical Council |
Slater | M | Dr. | Consultant Paediatrics | General Medical Council |
Small | C | Dr. | Consultant Anaesthetist | General Medical Council |
Smith | RB | Mr. | Consultant Obs & Gynaecology | General Medical Council |
Stevenson | CA | Dr. | Consultant Anaesthetics | General Medical Council |
Tahir | A | Mrs. | Consultant Obs & Gynaecology | General Medical Council |
Taylor-Smith | R | Dr. | Consultant Anaesthetist | General Medical Council |
Tsakonas | D | Mr. | Consultant - Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery | General Medical Council |
Thomas | JA | Dr. | Consultant Radiologist | General Medical Council |
Thomas | S | Mrs. | Consultant Opthalmologist | General Medical Council |
Trickey | J | Dr. | Consultant Rheumatologist | General Medical Council |
Tripathi | P | Mrs. | Consultant Radiologist | General Medical Council |
Troth | L | Dr. | Consultant Anaesthetist | General Medical Council |
Turley | M | Mrs. | Consultant in Palliative Care | General Medical Council |
Vasiliadis | I | Dr. | Consultant Cardiologist | General Medical Council |
Vickers | JP | Dr. | Consultant Paediatrics | General Medical Council |
Wales | EK | Dr. | Consultant in Geriatric Medicine | General Medical Council |
Warner | GC | Mr. | Consultant ENT | General Medical Council |
Watkin | S | Mrs. | Consultant Radiographer | General Medical Council |
While | B | Mr. | Consultant Ophthalmologist | General Medical Council |
White | K | Dr. | Consultant Anaesthetist | General Medical Council |
Williams | G | Mr. | Consultant Ophthalmologist | General Medical Council |
Wlaszczyk | AL | Dr. | Consultant Anaesthetics | General Medical Council |
Yearsley | K | Dr. | Consultant Gastroenterologist | General Medical Council |
Yeo | ST | Dr. | Consultant Anaesthetics | General Medical Council |
General Medical Council - Medical Register
The medical register is a list of doctors in the United Kingdom, showing their registration status, training and other useful information. To search for the registration of a doctor/consultant visit the General Medical Council website.