More information is available on the visiting page
We want to make your stay in hospital as comfortable as possible. We aim to provide a quality of care we would want for ourselves, our family and our friends.
Preparing for your stay in hospital
Find out about preparing for your hospital stay, what to bring with you and access the patient information leaflet.
What to do when you arrive at hospital and about your stay
Find out what to do when you arive at hospital and about your hospital stay, including privacy and dignity, avoiding blood clots, infection prevention, patient dining, bedside TV, hospital radio, looking after your property.
Visiting arrangements
Find out about visiting arrangements.
Leaving Hospital – home is best
From the day you are admitted to hospital, the staff involved in your care will work together with you to assess your needs in preparation for leaving hospital. Find out more about preparing for your hospital discharge including questions for patients to consider, NHS guidance leaflets for patients, what to expect, going home check list, about the discharge lounge at Hereford County Hospital and opening times, and how family/friends can help to get loved ones home once ready for discharge from hospital.
We've produced a leaflet which provides important information around a patients' discharge from hospital. Please be aware the information in this leaflet, is only applicable to patients who live in Herefordshire.
Dementia care
At this Trust, we have a skilled multidisciplinary team who aim to improve the care and experience for both patients and carers. We have a number of initiatives in place to raise awareness amongst our staff of the signs and symptoms of dementia so that we can provide the best possible care for our patients. To find out more visit our dementia care page.
Hospital at home
Find out about the hospital at home service, which comprises of qualified nurses, support workers, physiotherapists and occupational therapists.
Information Hub and signposting for patients, carers and visitors – we’re here to help
Our Information Hub and signposting service is available for patients, carers and visitors, which is located at Hereford County Hospital, opposite main reception. The Information Hub is run jointly with WVT trained volunteers and patient advice and liaison staff, in partnership with Talk Community. Our friendly team is on hand at the Hub providing wellbeing information and signposting people to services, groups, and events across the county. Come along and find out more.
Interpreting services
Interpreting services are available on request. Please ask the ward sister or enquire with PALS based at the main reception.
Patient advice – We are here to help
The Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) provides advice, help and support to patients, families, carers and visitors.
Health information videos
There are a number of help health information videos available provided by the Integrated Care Board.
Friends and Family Test
The Friends and Family Test is a simple question that patients are asked about the care they have received. The test is part of a way of gathering patient feedback and driving improvement in NHS hospital services across the country. Find out more about the Friends and Family Test.