Visiting arrangements

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Wye Valley NHS Trust

What to do when you arrive at hospital - about your stay

What to do when you arrive at hospital

Please go straight to the ward/department indicated on your admission letter. If you unsure of how to find the department/ward please ask staff or volunteers at the main reception (main entrance of the hospital).

It is important that you arrive in plenty of time for your appointment. If you are delayed for any reason we ask that you telephone the relevant ward/department direct.

Privacy and dignity

We are committed to the delivery of high quality services, affording our patients the same privacy, dignity, respect and compassion that we would want for ourselves, our family and friends. Find out about patient privacy and dignity at our hospitals. 

Interpreting services

Interpreting services are available on request. Please ask the ward sister or enquire with PALS based at the main reception.

Avoiding blood clots

Some patients are at increased risk of developing blood clots in their veins. They may develop in the legs (deep vein thrombosis, DVT) and following this pieces of the clots can break off and travel to the lungs where they cause a pulmonary embolism (PE).

These may be serious and to prevent clots in hospital you may undergo assessment and treatments to help avoid them.

This leaflet will help to explain to you the risks and possible preventatives you may have been recommended.

Hand hygiene

All our staff actively promote the 'Clean your hands' campaign as an important way of controlling infection. Alcohol hand gel is available at the end of every patient bed and we encourage patients to ask staff whether they have cleaned their hands. Find out more about infection control at our hospitals.

Looking after your personal property

We make every effort to ensure your belongings are safe and secure whilst you are in hospital. However, you are advised to bring only essential items into hospital as these are not insured under any hospital policy and will remain your own responsibility if they are lost.

Patient dining

We aim to provide appetizing and nourishing meals and you will generally have several choices from a menu for all your meals. Meal times and menus may vary and details of local ward arrangements will be given to you on the ward.

If you have any special requirements, please tell the ward staff. Sometimes, because of an operation or as part of your treatment, you will not be allowed to eat or drink. Your nurse will explain this to you.

We try to protect meal times to ensure you are undisturbed and given time to eat your meals. 

TV bedside units

With the TV Bedside Units, you have access to a variety of paid and free services directly to your hospital bed.

Free services

  • TV from 6am till 12pm on all freeview channels.
  • Children’s TV from 7am till 9pm on all freeview channels.
  • A selection of radio channels including hospital radio.
  • Unlimited 2-minute calls from your bedside to 07 numbers. Unrestricted outbound calls to 01/02/03 numbers. (Please note that external calls to the bedside are charged at a higher rate than a local call.)
  • Basic internet access.
  • Patient safety video
  • GP online prescription services
  • The health index
  • Physiotherapy breathing exercises video

 Premium entertainment

This includes:

  • Movies.
  • TV (past 12pm for adults and 9pm for children).
  • Audio books.
  • TV Box sets.
  • Sports through SKY or BT.

There are varying fees for these services depending on types of packages and how many days you are purchasing for. You can buy these services via your credit or debit card directly at the bedside, or by ringing our 24 hour call center from your bedside phone. Simply pick up the phone and press ‘customer care’ on the screen.

A relative/friend can also buy one for you. Simply call 0345 414 1234 and provide them with the patient's name, date of birth, bedside location within the hospital, and the bedside telephone number (starts with 087).

Note that longer day passes are better value. Some longer stay packages are only available through the call center. E.g. TV for one day is £7.90. Compared to TV for seven days being £34.90 which works out to £4.99 per day.

Children’s paid entertainment is cheaper than for adults. For example, TV and children’s Movies for one day is only £5.00.

Hospital radio

The County Hospital Radio can be found on Channel 5. This is your Radio Station and broadcasts 24 hours a day with a wide selection of music, information, local and national news all presented by a small team of local volunteers. If you would like a request please call on our request line 01432 364049.


© Wye valley NHS Trust 2025