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Wye Valley NHS Trust

Discharge from hospital

Leaving Hospital – home is best

From the day you are admitted to hospital, the staff involved in your care will work together with you to assess your needs in preparation for leaving hospital.

We ask you to provide us with all the necessary information that will help with planning your hospital care and timely discharge as early as possible. This should include any services you are currently receiving whether privately arranged or from Community Care or District Nursing.

On the first day of your stay you will receive an estimated date of discharge (EDD). This is a provisional date and as a result of your treatment and care, this date may change. You will be kept informed of any changes to this date. 

Find out more about preparing for your hospital discharge including questions for patients to consider, NHS guidance leaflets for patients, what to expect, about the discharge lounge at Hereford County Hospital and opening times.

Going home

If you can be discharged home, we will be asking your family and friends to support this by being ready to collect you from hospital when we call. We know people are busy with work, childcare, or other commitments. While it might not always be convenient, a timely response from your family and friends means we can provide a hospital bed to an acutely unwell person who needs it.

Your friends and family may be able to help us by letting us know what they can do to help on a regular basis, for example by preparing meals or helping with dressing and washing. Please ask your loved ones to talk to the team planning your care if you think they can help in any way, as this may mean you can go home a few days earlier. We can provide advice and training if this is helpful.

Find out more about being discharged from hospital, or to an alternative community setting, and review the going home check list in prepare for your discharge from hospital.

Family/Friends - Help us to get your loved ones home

We know that our medically stable patients are keen to return home, which is why our staff are focusing on safely discharging as many patients as possible.  We need family and friends of loved ones to help get their loved one home - find out more how you can help.


© Wye valley NHS Trust 2025