Visiting arrangements

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Wye Valley NHS Trust

Leaving hospital - home is best

Leaving Hospital – home is best

From the day you are admitted to hospital, the staff involved in your care will work together with you to assess your needs in preparation for leaving hospital.

We ask you to provide us with all the necessary information that will help with planning your hospital care and timely discharge as early as possible. This should include any services you are currently receiving whether privately arranged or from Community Care or District Nursing.

On the first day of your stay you will receive an estimated date of discharge (EDD). This is a provisional date and as a result of your treatment and care, this date may change. You will be kept informed of any changes to this date.

Throughout your hospital stay we want you to be able to answer the following questions:

1. What is the main reason I am in hospital for?

2. What is going to happen to me today and tomorrow?

3. What extra help might I need when I leave hospital?

4. When will I be able to leave hospital?

If at any point you can’t answer them, then please discuss with the nurse looking after you.

When your discharge date is identified you will need to make the necessary arrangements, which may include transport home. If you or your relatives/carers have any concerns about your hospital discharge or transfer, do not hesitate to ask a member of the team.

We follow the NHS Guidance for all stages of hospital discharge:

There are a number of useful NHS information leaflets relating to hospital discharge:

Your discharge from hospital

Evidence shows that individuals recover better both physically and emotionally when in a setting that closely mirrors their home, among family or loved ones. We also need to make sure that our hospital beds are made available for people who are acutely unwell.

Your doctor will decide when you are well enough to leave hospital. You will not be expected to stay in hospital any longer than absolutely necessary. We will work with you, your family and friends to support your safe discharge home or into a community setting for ongoing rehabilitation if needed.

Discharge Lounge - located at Hereford County Hospital 

The discharge lounge is for patients being discharged from Hereford County Hospital.

Where possible, discharge arrangements will be made so you are able to vacate your hospital bed. This may include transfer to the Discharge Lounge, located at Hereford County Hospital in the Fred Bulmer building. We will prepare you and keep you informed.

This department caters for patients who are medically stable to go home or be transferred to a Community Hospital for rehabilitation.

You will arrive from a ward in the hospital to wait for either a lift home or you may be waiting for hospital transport. You may also expect to stay with us until your discharge letter and any medications you will need to take home are ready.

Opening times for discharge lounge at Hereford County Hospital

  • Monday to Friday, 8.30am until 9pm
  • Saturday and Sunday, 10.30am until 6pm

On your arrival to the discharge lounge, we will welcome you and offer you a hot or cold drink.  We also offer sandwiches and light snacks.

The team will keep you informed throughout your stay with us regarding when we hope you will be ready to leave.

We can also advise relatives on where to park and can offer a parking pass to them if they will be staying with you until you are discharged.

If you need to book a taxi to take you home, please ask one of the team to help you. Under certain circumstances (criteria applies), staff will arrange transport home for you. 


© Wye valley NHS Trust 2025