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Wye Valley NHS Trust

Organ donation

Mission Statement

Our goal is to ensure every individual and every family are offered the opportunity to donate organs and tissues of their loved ones after they’ve died.

We hope that from their own personal tragedy, donor families will gain comfort in knowing they have transformed other peoples lives in a uniquely positive way

Give the gift of life

There is a critical shortage of organs and the gap between the number of organs donated and the number of people waiting for a transplant is increasing all the time.

What is organ donation?

Organ donation is the gift of an organ to help someone else who needs a transplant. Hundreds of people’s lives are saved each year by the generosity of organ donors. Organs that can be donated after death include the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, pancreas and small bowel. Tissue such as skin, bone, heart valves and corneas can also be used to help others.

Organ donation law in England has changed

Organ donation in England has changed to an 'opt out' system.

Organ donation in Herefordshire

Wye Valley NHS Trust has a resident Specialist Nurses in Donor Care Michelle Powell. She has a background in intensive care nursing and is specially trained to support and guide bereaved families through the organ donation process.

Throughout the UK there has been a massive investment to increase the numbers of organ donors in an attempt to bridge the gap between the number of people desperately waiting for a transplant and the number of people who currently donate organs following their death.

Our Organ Donation Committee

We believe that all families should have the opportunity to be involved in decision making around donation and other end of life issues and we strive to ensure these choices are given to families in a timely manner.

At Wye Valley NHS Trust the organ donation committee is formed from a core group of individuals at the Trust who work closely with many of the hospitals services, ensuring that strategies and resources are in place to ensure that donation can occur in a streamlined manner. Find out more about our committee and it's members

We ensure that there are robust policies in place and that we maintain best practice alongside national guidance in all aspects of end of life and donation practices. The committee also works to promote knowledge and awareness of donation and its benefits throughout the Trust and the wider community. 

Who's who

The Committee membership is as follows: 

  • John Hutchinson - chair
  • Carl Stevenson – clinical lead for organ donation
  • Michelle Powell – specialist nurse for organ donation
  • Jan Lockett - organ donation champion
  • Philip Roberts – chaplain
  • Tracey Hamer – unit manager, ITU

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