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Wye Valley NHS Trust


The Podiatry department provides care to patients who have a significant foot condition and a relevant medical history.  Many of these patients require ongoing treatment.

We aim to keep patients feet healthy and pain free, thereby enable patients to remainA podiatric surgeon works on a patients foot mobile, independent and active for as long as possible.

We treat a wide range of, mainly painful, foot conditions and aim to identify the cause and, where possible, seek a resolution. Treating both painful and painless foot conditions enables patients to remain mobile for as long as possible. Where lesions are painless this often increases the risk of developing ulceration and infection.

We will work together to minimise these risks, and avoid hospital admission and amputation, particularly in the case of those with diabetes, neuropathy and/or peripheral vascular disease. Early intervention, regularly treating chronic lesions and monitoring patients' foot health, reduces these risks.

Many of our patients are elderly with long term conditions including diabetes, stroke, cardiopathies, peripheral vascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and Parkinson's disease. Podiatry enables them to stay healthy and independent by reducing falls and hospital admissions. Podiatry improves the quality of life of our patients.

In addition to this, as an accredited Any Qualified Provider (AQP) for Herefordshire, we also provide a service for patients who do not have a significant medical history but do have a painful foot condition. Under AQP a short course of advice and treatment will be offered.

To be eligible to be treated under AQP you must be referred by your GP.  

Podiatric surgery

Podiatric Surgery is foot and ankle surgery performed by Podiatric Surgeons. This service delivers an efficient and effective Consultant led service providing high quality clinical care to patients with foot or ankle pathology. Find out more about our podiatric surgery service which is run by another department within the Trust.

Friends and Family Test

The Friends and Family Test is a simple question that patients are asked about the care they have received.  The test is part of a  way of gathering patient feedback and driving improvement in NHS hospital services across the country.  Find out more about the Friends and Family Test.

© Wye valley NHS Trust 2025