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Wye Valley NHS Trust

Self care and patient and carer information


All patients are given verbal advice on self-care at initial assessment and this is followed upA member of staff wearing a glove inspects a patients foot with written information. Information is reiterated at follow-up appointments. Carers often attend with the most vulnerable and we include them in the discussions where appropriate. Patients and carers can often manage simple foot care if shown how to use nail nippers or a good nail file effectively. We advise on where to obtain the appropriate equipment. We also advise on appropriate footwear again giving advice on where to obtain suitable accommodating footwear e.g. for oedematous feet.

A range of information leaflets are available on a wide variety of foot problems e.g. nail cutting, chilblains, athletes foot.

Education sessions are provided on a regular basis for the Inflammatory Arthritis education group at Hereford County Hospital, and Footcare education sessions are available for carers, support workers and nurses on request.

The Podiatric Specialist in Diabetes has input into the education programme provided by the Living with Diabetes days. A programme of basic education and information sessions for patients and carers are planned for the future.

Many of our patients are elderly with long term conditions including diabetes, stroke, cardiopathies, peripheral vascular disease, rheumatoid or osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and Parkinson's disease. Podiatry enables them to stay healthy and independent by reducing falls and hospital admissions. Podiatry improves the quality of life of our patients. We monitor this via feedback from service users with annual questionnaires, via the service user group and one to one interviews.

Our objectives are: 

  • Reduce falls and hospital admissions 
  • Improve mobility and comfort for our patients.
  • Reduce suffering and pain.
  • To identify those children where preventative interventions will reduce the risk of later problems and thereby improve their future foot health
  • To promote and protect foot health 
  • To educate patients, carers and other health professionals on a range of  foot health issues

© Wye valley NHS Trust 2025