Visiting arrangements

More information is available on the visiting page

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Wye Valley NHS Trust

How do I get started?

The first step is to get in touch with the Voluntary Services team.  We will chat with you about volunteering and the areas you may be interested in supporting. 

You can contact the team on 01432 355444 ext. 5519 or email    

Following on from this, the steps are:

Step 1: Complete a short application form and provide the names of two people who can provide a reference for you.

Step 2: Complete a DBS check (organised by Wye Valley NHS Trust at no cost to you)

Step 3: Complete induction and online training modules

Step 4: Carry out shadow shifts and training specific to your chosen role

Step 5: Start volunteering! 

You will be supported throughout by the Voluntary Services team.

© Wye valley NHS Trust 2025