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Wye Valley NHS Trust

Herefordshire community falls prevention service

Herefordshire community falls prevention service is a free service for older people who have fallen, are at risk of or are worried about falling, or have concerns about their balance.

Who is the service for?

The service is for people who have had falls or stumbles, who feel they are at risk of falls, or who have lost confidence and are afraid of falling.

How can we help you?

The Falls Prevention Service can help you to:

  • Identify the cause of falls
  • Prevent further falls
  • Improve strength, balance, mobility and dizziness 
  • Regain confidence
  • Maintain independence

How can I access the service?

Any health professional can refer you to the service. You are also welcome to refer yourself by completing a self-referral form, which can be found in the resources section of this website. We will then make contact with you about making an appointment.

Who might I see and why?

The Falls Prevention Service consists of:

Specialist Physiotherapists

Clinics are held at Hereford County Hospital and Ross, Ledbury, Leominster, Bromyard and Kington Community Hospitals. The first appointment will last 1 hour and will be a one-to-one appointment to review strength, balance, mobility, confidence, coping strategies and walking aids.

Treatment may include: Provision of a home exercise programme, one-to-one exercise sessions, advice regarding walking aids and advice about how to cope if you have a fall and how to get up again.

Specialist Occupational Therapist

With consent, an appointment will made for a home visit to complete a comprehensive specialist assessment considering overall wellbeing. It may include discussion about managing at home, hobbies and social interests.

Recommendations will then be discussed through a problem solving approach, aiming to promote independence, safety, confidence and overall stamina in daily routines. This may include advice, equipment and minor adaptations in the home to meet individual needs and include a short period of rehabilitation ensuring any recommendations/advice meet individual needs. 

Therapy Assistant Practitioners

Therapy assistant practitioners are available to assist with prescribed home-exercise programmes, install aids to daily living, and provide support with increasing confidence and mobility.

Can I bring someone with me?

You are welcome to bring a relative or carer with you to any appointment.

What if I need further advice or assistance?

We can give you help and advice regarding any other services you may benefit from, such as Telecare or a handyman service.

How do I contact the service directly?

If you have any queries or concerns please feel free to contact the Falls Prevention Service on: 01568 617309

Further information can be found on this website by clicking on the links on the right hand side of each page.

Falls are not an inevitable part of getting older and many falls can be prevented. 

© Wye valley NHS Trust 2025