Visiting arrangements

More information is available on the visiting page

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Wye Valley NHS Trust

We're recruiting doctors and nurses, and we have apprenticeships available to train as a healthcare support worker

Transforming health services in Herefordshire

Wye Valley NHS Trust provides health services to the people of Herefordshire and further afield. 


Junior doctor strike action 27 June to 2 July

Local NHS services will be significantly impacted by Junior Doctor strike action from Thursday 27 June until Tuesday 2 July. If you haven’t been told that your planned appointment has been postponed, please attend as normal. To help us ensure that care can be delivered to those who need it most, we are asking the public to only use 999 and A&E in life-threatening emergencies, and to use NHS 111 online for non-urgent health needs. GP services and pharmacies are also available and can be accessed as usual.

© Wye valley NHS Trust 2024